Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
14 Feb 2004 lost Now how in the world could anyone answer this ? if they were already dead; hello!?

I would imagine that drinking a shit load of booze and pooping a shit load of sleeping pills would be the best until you you realized you were having a nightmare but it wasn't just a nightmare, it in fact was a grand welcoming to your new REALITY; HELL.

I once had a history professor comment that hell was the thing that you hated the most. but what the hell could he have known, he was still alive!
Right now, suicide seems like the most logical thing for me to do. In all reality i know I want to live; but it's these dame hurles in life that thow me off track.
Music seems to be my only safe sanctuary; but when i take off my headphones and face reality, i'm back to square one.
help!! if there indeed are guardian angels please help me!!
13 Feb 2004 katie DONT! if you give up then you will make a mistake... if your under 13 or real young you havent lived enough life yet to tell if u deserve to die... i mean im suicidal and ive been raped sexually molested beat teased ive dun drugs drank had sex and im 13 and i mean im suicidal homicidal bi polar all that shit and ive gotten so deep in it i juss wanna be normal?? dont u? well wut i do is i will keep telling myself im powerful plus i like the way ppl fear me and think im insane wich i am and i hold on to that and i live for myself fuck whut other ppl think i mean if they think ur fat i mean WHO CARES!! fat ppl r so cool lol plus juss work out or ya kno dont give up get stronger and you will end up gettin better! but cuttin urself is alright i think it makes me feel alot better juss cut and cut dont die... believe me someone will miss you wether u like it or not and wether u kno it.. plz listen to whut im saying ppl i kno how hard life is and how good death sounds but... plz try to make it! im a very negative person and ive gotten so low and crzy and messed up i miss being able to go to school and be free and be happy.. but ur mind is strong enough to make n e thing happen and ur cooler than u think u are believe me!
katie i.m me at kottnkndykttn
09 Feb 2004 nikirta all i want in live is to kill myself ok i know its wrong but i have aboslutely nothing to live for. im fat im ugly i have little friends my father has paranoia schizophrenia and hurts us but not physically he has but mostly its all emotional and no one understands none of those doctors help they just give you stuff to numb the pain but it doesnt go away. and im 15 and no one really cares about me. my mom loves my brother more and my father has 2 kids he cares about more and im not smart. there isnt anything good about me. u can call me pessimistic but thats my life and i know im being selfish becuase i know that there are people without much but look at them they are happy if god loved us like some people say he does why does he put us through all this hell. I know some would say that its supposed to help you to learn from something but i dont see whats so great about living. and like i said no one understands they just take notes and tell you to suck it up. and i have like no good things about me i can never do anything right and i just want to die.
08 Feb 2004 Alex ive been suicidal 4 ages now! theres one thing keeping me alive which is my boyfriend but since i only see him on some weekends coz we dont go to the same scool im tempted all the time during the week since one of my m8s blew him self up with petrol and survived ive been worried dat im gonna end up brain damaged or summit with an attempt! i just wona die and dats it! this site is helpin me alot! the more i read the more i want to die! the more i speak to my boyfriend i think i wona die but not for him! Alex - 13 xxx
ppl email me on or! suicide rulez!
01 Feb 2004   I don't know the best way all i know is that when my friend commited suicide it got me thinking. Is he happier now? would I be happier? Maybe if i end it then all my worries will go away. The walls will stop closing around me but i remember how upset my friends family was and i don't want to put my family through that. Everyday my life gets worse and worse. Friends think I'm overly dramatic and sometimes they make it worse. I feel like something is missing from my life and maybe if i find whats missing it'll help. I am 14 years old. Please give some advice.
29 Jan 2004 Rebecca I am thinking about killing myself. I will be 13 on january 30 2004 and i have been thinking about it since i was 7. I was raped many times but my stepfather and my father left before i was born. I have many reasons to want to do it. Lately the choice has come up more often. I am on prozac which is a depression medecine i take 60 mg. a day and lately when my mom gives it to me I don't take it. I have been putting them in a lil tin saving them for later. So far i have 120mg. I'm probably gonna save about 300 and some mg before i try anything. I have a boyfriend that is trying to stop me who I really love but I just don't wanna live anymore i want out! It doesn't matter ur age! I have cut my wrist many times on major veins and it has not worked. so with pills is how I'm gonna do it probably unless somebody can change my mind! If any comments email me at
28 Jan 2004 James Hmm. Let's see. I once slit my wrist with a scissors in class. It was over some corny thing.. but i was stressed kaoz of a school project... anyway b4 i knew it i was slashing my wrists... i had to go see the vice principal for that.. this was back in 1995. 19 now.. in a few months 20. Honestly? no different from then. I didn't understand life properly then.. and now, i think i do. only problem is that i don't think i want to be part of it. walked in the sea once dried to drown myself... full clothed.. until at the last minute i chickened out. my scars are never permanent kaoz i cut using penknives... so they heal.. and leave a small line. so wat IS the best way? pop about 40 paracetamols, coke and vodka. after that lock urself in your room. you can take more paracetamols if you want.. hell, if ur going to commit suicide do it the right way. if u got no balls to do it then just fuck off and live life instead of being a suicidal wannabe. Here's to all Singaporeans out there.
25 Jan 2004 amy hi. i'm nu here. i think its really kool the way all you guys like almost talk it thru- the way you feel and all that. ive been suicidal for years- i got put on anti-depressants which made it feel better but they don't let you do anything you want to. so i took an overdose with those pills in my pe changing room- there was about 55 but my teacher came in and i got taken to hospital and now everyone knows. but im not embarrassed. this is something i really believe in. so i can stand next to a person and i can say straight to their faces 'i want to die'. the worse thing than feeling like you are is when you try to kill yourself is when you don't succeed and you have to go thru all the pain- only from the beginning this time. it goes on for the rest of your life, so you have to end that life and die- end all the pain- end all the suffering until you're not there anymore. if you want to cut yourself and bleed to death, loads of people say go across with the knife but you have to slash every bit of vein you can see on your body. i dream of suicide all night and all day and to me, dying is my greatest ambition. people see you in the street and they don't know what you're going thru and they cant help you get thru this- only you can do that. you just need someone there for you- to help you over it. life isnt worth living if there is nothing there for you. i hate this world and everything it has done to me. i hate my mother for bringing me into this world and most of all i hate myself for letting me get like this. suicide only works if you believe in it, if you put your greatest effort into it. if you want to die you go the whole way and do that because no one will stop you if you are that desperate. i have tried to kill myself 7 times in the last two months and see how fucked up i am- so fucked up, i can't even take my own life. those people who come up to you and say you're stupid just for feeling the way you feel. if you want to, you go ahead and do it cos no one can stop you doing it if you just believe in yourself. i hope that you will all get your wishes and end your life the way you want because i know how painful it is if you don't. by the way. if you get put on pills, don't take them because they stop you killing yourself- they mess with your mind- please take my advice- if you're going to do it- do it properly- end your suffering and others and one day we may stand united in death.
email me if you have any suggestions. i need to get out of this world from where i stand alone, looking through this tiny window seeing all the pain and suffering and through my eyes all i see is pain, people dying, me dying inside. in my heart. i hate this world will someone please help me dye. this room i stand in is full of suffering and my own pain. i know not where to turn and all i think about is dying- ending it all i'm sorry. help yourself help others like you- who want to die. i hope you all get your wish of suicide because there is nothing in this world for those who believe there is nothing
25 Jan 2004 Lauren ive just taken about half the pills. thanx 2 whoever readmy wemails.someonr actually listened for once. thankyou. once i've taken them im going to the bridge and im going tohhang my serklf. thankuo. everyine on trhgis site has reaklly unfkluerncved ne buty uity werenmt enuf. respecially chris. sorry
25 Jan 2004 Lauren chris- sounds stupid but your writing/the way you talk about all this shit is so REAL. you give a shit bout most of the guys on this site and unlike some fucking shrink you actually know what people r going thru. how old are u cos the way you rite its like your more than 30
25 Jan 2004 Lauren im going to hang myself tonight- i don't think theres any point in going on anymore because no one loves me. i was put on effoxer three months ago and it makes me feel all dizzy and wierd. i've tried to kill myself loads of times before. i hate myself. but this time im going to go up to that railway bridge tonight and jump off it with a rope tie around my neck. this time it will work and tomorrow shall never come for me. if you believe in it strongly enough then you know you can do it. thankyou for reading this. if you ever succeed in your dreams for suicide maybe we could meet up if anything exists on the other side.
24 Jan 2004 Lauren i don't mean to put anyone off- i really believe in suicide im just saying hanging is the best way because after the first time you have taken an overdose then the second time your body just resists against it. hanging is the quickestand most painless way.
i love you all- even if no one else does and im going to test the hanging method and i know- i just know i'm not going to be here tomorrow to tell you whether it worked. luv u
24 Jan 2004 Lauren to hang yourself off a railway bridge- thats my perfect dream. some bitches take the piss out of you for being who you are. i tried to kill myself in school once- in the changing room before pe, but i got found by the teacher and taken into hospital. what makes me feel the best is when i get pissed off then i take like 24 paracetamol and it makes you feel like your going crazy but it makes you feel great. i think you lot try it when you get angry cos then you don't know what your doing then you try to kill yourself. i swear on my daddy's life that everything i say is true and i know i will hurt people when i do die of my own hand but i'm past caring any more. people joke about it but its not funny because they don't know what its,to want to die every second of the day- to dream about it when you finally sleep. life is not worth living when there is a shadow following you around, making you feel lkike hell and if the father of the kid is on line right now and reads this i just want to say he must have had a reason for it because he wouldn't have done it for nothing. your son was probably a great kid but at the end of the day we just can't take it- thees nothing we can do, it just takes over you, your not yourself any more. if you can- just e-mail me and tell me how he died. theres a link between us in the form of suicide and i just feel i need to know all the details of suicide. im the same age as your son was and i just feel i need to know. if you think im being nosey im not, suicide hurts me too except im effected by it in a different way. i want to die- and hell it helps me to talk about it. when you you cut yourself, when you bleed- as the blood drips out of you, it feels good, all the tension goes and you get addicted to it- your own form of painkiller that works on you. im not trying to preach- im just saying i feel the way you do angry at this world- you want to die- like theres no point in living life. my e-mail is or my mobile- 07950986646 you need to talk or you want to know anything just call. i hope you do- it would help me a lot. i'm always here for anyone but i know i'll be gone someday soon.
i'm sorry.
16 Jan 2004 siera Hey I'm 13 and dude i have tried to commit suicide more then 5 times... i slit my wrists a lot. and no one makes anything better (not like i'm wanting them to) but it seems like no one cares. some day someone will find me laying on my bathroom floor in a puddle of blood. yeah it sounds gross but it's true. i silt my wrists at school even... i had this razor, but i lost it and now idk what to use i have tried everything. but i started slitting my wrists and it's kinda like drugs, if you start you can't stop. you know what's weird, and this will sound so like selfish or w.e but so many guys think i'm hot, and have a great personality, i mean i'm always happy... till i go bed or something, then i start slitting my wrists. i do good in school and i have a GREAT boyfriend. but idk what's wrong with my pathetic self. i'm a retard that is looking for the easy way out. i wanna live and die at the same time. idk what to do with my stupid life. i think shooting yourself is a good way to do it... it's like fast, or slitting your wrists, if ya want pain. i may not be an EXPERT hah but i have had more then 200 cuts on my arm that i have made. every smile i make it's a tear that i will cry. i hate being so depressed around my friends. i want this to be to myself. i hate it. i just want to end my life... and be done with my problems. well my friend is anorexic.. and went boulimic... and idk what to do... she's as skinny as a fucking string, she says she's so fat but i say she's not. so i finally gave up and stop saying a thing. now she's friends with this goth inda girl thats boulimic.. and so we're not best friends now... idk what to do, people ask me for advice.. and it's kinda weird cuzz i'm the one with all the problems! i just want to be left alone.. or well idk what i want. IM me on my sn Light Pink88 if ya want you can help me or umm talk to me and i can help you.
12 Jan 2004 Rey i cant take it anymore. it's too much for me to handle. i have no idea how i stayed alive for this long. i wish someone could help me.
05 Jan 2004 Adam I really don't know what to say. To someone on the outside I may seem pedantic or as if i'm exaggerating, but they're not me and they don't understand what I am going through. I've thought about doing this for a while now, but there are always two things holding me back. How can I do it without having to experience the pain? And how will god judge me if I do it? Such hurt can't be sustained for a long period of time. I need to escape. Is the grass greener on the other side?
04 Jan 2004 usseless_gurl hey i feel really trapped. things r just snowballin in front of me and i have no way to control it! i have already tried to do it countless times but haven't had success! i guess may b tomoro i will die, mayb ..... i can only wish as i am to afraid to go through with it. every time i try i fail, i'm a failure to everything i do!
04 Jan 2004 Mike I NEED HELP URGENTLY... I recently played a very very cruel joke that backfired VERY VERY BADLY. Sorry for the repetitive adjective.
Here is the situation.. My good friend (2nd best) friend I told i was suicidal however I would not commit suicide while my parents are still alive... and i would like to lose all my money gambling first...
Anyway he was very good about it and I DID THIS FOR ATTENTION PLAIN AND SIMPLE sorta... i mean i do feel depressed out of nowhere sometimes...
And i guess u could use the term suicidal cuz i would like to escape sometimes...
But anyway I went overboard cuz i told my friend i was going to take my life in 2 weeks. I also told my BEST FRIEND's gf. I told my best friend's gf b4 but i also told her i was going to kill myself in 2 weeks... i recently lost 270 bucks in atlantic city and was just really down..
Now here is WHERE IT GETS REALLY fucked up.. :( my BEST BEST BEST friend in the world came back from cancun today and upon his arrival his gf sarah told him my plans... then he drove to my 2nd best friend's house and he confirmed that i said i was going to take my life in 2 weeks.
I feel so bad about this ... i fuckin was doing this for attention (also i was depressed) but again i wasn't going to do it! er! anyway now he is flipping out i walked outside with him in the cold for about 15-20 mins maybe more and i didn't want to say hey it was for attention..
Wow what an asshole I am.... doesn't matter because he doesn't buy it and SAID HE WAS GONNA TELL MY PARENTS... btw I'm 21. anyway I flipped the fuck out on him i'm like dude u fuckin do that it's all over ... my reason to live is gone thats the no.1 reason im not doing it... then he's saying i have to go to see a shrink at school...
And I HAVE to tell my parents cuz it cost money to do this... If those of you are wondering why i didn't tell my BEST FRIEND and told his gf and my 2nd best friend instead is i couldn't bare to stare at him in the face with him knowing i feel depressed sometimes and what not.
Also IT WAS FOR FUCK'S SAKE a game.! i mean I ADMIT I LIKED THE ATTENTION the look someone gives you when they care and the look of concern they give you... honestly I think I was going to say something to my BEST friend saying how i felt... just cuz i knew he was gonna find out something i slipped up at a party when i was drunk and said something about suicide... and besides i enjoyed the attention... now my best friend in the world is concerned and may make me go to this shrink.
28 Dec 2003 sarah hey, Im sarah. Im 17 and see no reason to live anymore. My life has been filled with sadness and there is no one left who really seems to care. I really want a painless way to kill myself. If anyone can help me please email me.
21 Dec 2003 Emily Powell Hey I'm new, I desperately want to kill myself, but am a complete pussy and want it to be as painless as possible. I have been looking for ages on pills that an overdose will definitely kill you, but have been unsucessful. I don't want to make it if I try, because I'll go through hell afterwards, and probably would be able to try again very easily. So if anyone has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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