Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
18 Nov 2022 | chris | jumping off anything has always worked, it wont go against any age and it will kill you. be sure its high enough |
16 May 2021 | rectal catharsis. | The spectrum of human emotion is, when you give thought to it, likened to a volcano. Over time pressure builds until it is no longer possible to contain below the surface. Violent explosions of spewed hatred that melts everything it touches, and a smokey cloud of ash hotter than a match flame blanketing all that you can see. All in proximity void of any sign of life, and even those a far can feel the wrath. Suffering. Choking, blinded, sun blacked out for days, etc., Etc. Because of this truth it would be wise to keep a pair of pilots goggles and some fire resistant fabric wraps for your head and face. Something to filter the ash out of the air you breathe. And maybe a few tubs of burn ointment also. Keep these close to you all the time. Unless of course you have a volcano in your back yard. Then you just get a hammock and some margaritas and some sun tan lotion spf 150 and just wait for vacation to be over and its almost hell on earth. And that reminds me, there are only two places to see a fire tornado. And that is hell and california, an ultra left wing, ultra socialist state in The States. And thats what is so awesome about life. Natural disasters make the crunchy granola types so fearful due to their constant fantasies of running for their life to escape a disater, but they only end up dying tired. I think these human emotions described are not like a volcano, but a sink hole. People swallowed up by sinking sand. And with such emotions running wild coupled with various other problems, such as the Orthodox Jews wanting to tear down the mosque on the temple mount and build the third temple and having made preperations already like corner stones cut, menorah and altar are finished and they are making grain offerings already, along with other problems like aliens, and also another big problem is how difficult it is to get an animal on the endangered species list with hunters coming from all over the world to bag the first bigfoot. And the next person to tell me to wear a useless mask, i am going to have an ocean of emotion for them when like a tsunami i wash them away, and wipe my ass with their mask and put it back on them. I hope its hot that day so i will be extra sweaty. In fact, there are so many problems in the world today, emotions are running high. So if you feel overwhelmed with life its ok. Its perfectly normal. Because once israel builds the temple and brings back animal sacrifice the Antichrist will come and there will be so much genocide the nazis will look like a bunch of chior boys. And it should happen soon as the shot is the first installment of marxist of the beast six six six burned into your genetically modified soul. Patented and owned by big pharma. And just remember if you can not afford becoming a slave astro zenicuh may be able to help. And look everyone knows that babies have a unique smell. |
03 May 2020 | Darnell Walker | Cut yourself |
20 Dec 2019 | Christ | Jump off the roof, drown |
03 Dec 2018 | christian kid | use no-no language on my good christian minecraft server |
24 Dec 2017 | Kamichan | So its 1:40am on Christmas night. I got a 14 minute video of santa and my mom doing the nasty. I really hope they didnt get any love juices on my presents. |
21 Nov 2017 | chrisbenoit | kill yourself |
01 Apr 2017 | Nicole christina persaud | taking a razor blade and slit your troat or your plam. |
23 Jan 2015 | christin | sell your soul |
23 Feb 2012 | Chris | you guys need to think about the choices you are considering because suicide is a fucked up thing, not only for your self but for everyone around you. Even if you think they do not care there are a LOT more people who will care and listen. |
20 Sep 2011 | Chris | Personally, I think the best way to kill yourself would be to plan, plan and plan again, before making a half arsed attempt, failing and becoming more of a burden to your family, friends and society. First consider some of the main outcomes that are available when attempting suicide. Obviously death is the desired outcome that we all crave, yet it is more difficult to achieve than first thought. A failed attempt (with the cries of those still too afraid to attempt, ringing fail, fail, fail in your ears), may result in a longer, more humiliating existence, than the first life you are trying to extinguish. So remember, failure to plan is planning to fail! |
07 Sep 2011 | Your Reason To Live! | Jesus-Fucking-Christ people! Suicide is never worth it! It is the most pointless waste of a life. Channel your depression into art, or gaming or any other hobby you excell at. Write down your emotions, and let any hatred directed at you become your source of determination! When you are successfull, take your revenge by showing those who hated you the list, and tel them that you kicked their ass! |
14 Feb 2011 | christ with erection | there is only best way , if u dont have crazy guns , to jump from any larger mountain or hill to death. secondly u might go to any isolated RUSSIAN PLACE in harsh winter say - 30 *c ,and just sleep on a frozen river withou too much warm cloths, yu may drink your favorouite whiskey or any drug yu may take and then !!!!!!! REST IN PEACE!!!!!! but yu require a passprt and apply for any tourist visa r study visa i it will be awesome i will definately do this in next winter. Dont take medicine overdose die like a warrior , And please dont think ever about hell or afterlife, it is just nonsense, hell or heaven not exists its all fake myths. Only earth moon sun exists and u will either born or die on earth. Those who dont like my views please do not suicide ever, because u cant it require more heart to kill oneself then to live life cowardly like u !!! U all are bastards except people who want to suicide because they know what they should do, and what is right for them , and they are most lovable people on this earth. |
09 Dec 2010 | chris | every family and every person has there own mind, for all i know it can go great or it can be bad, but no one has asked for life it comes and goes. It is lucky to live for a short time and know that when it has gone you had something. that is better then nothing at all. i feel like ending my life family friends you can say i was born without a soul you probs right but that is me so what anyone says dont listen just follow your heart and if it feels right im sure you can take the right path |
13 May 2010 | Christine | It's been forever ago since I've last written. And some people have nicely written back. Thank you. My life has only gotten worse from here. Sure, my girlfriend is nicer now. But I'm invisible. They don't care, they never did. I'm only "there" when they need me, they only acknowledge me when they need something. My parents are meaner. Hurtful. Whale. Fat. ..muscle. I still crave suicide. But, you know what. Maybe I'll stick around a little longer. Maybe I'll see what life choses to torment me with next. THanks to those who responded. THanks for caring. You are the first. |
12 May 2010 | Chris Lopak | Killing yourself will resolve your pain here on earth, but you will leave an incredible pile of pain for everyone else you leave behind. Suicide is understandable but an act of supreme selfishness, and never solves the problem ultimately. Without Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour your pain is just beginning. If you die in your sins, you immediately go to Hell. Jesus describes Hell as a: "Their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched." Mark 9:48 "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 25:30 "...I am tormented in this flame." Luke 16:24 All unbelievers who die in their sins have to be sentenced by a Holy and Righteous God for rejecting the ultimate Love, that is Jesus Christ dying on the cross for their sins. When you or anybody else asks Jesus Christ into their hearts to forgive them of their sins He will forgive you. "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 The main reason anybody desires to commit suicide is because Satan and the Demons convince you that you are worthless, that nobody loves you, and especially that there is no hope! THAT IS NOT TRUE, THAT IS THE ENEMY OF YOUR SOUL LYING TO YOU!! "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 Jesus Christ came in the flesh, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and was crucified on the cross at Calvary, buried three days, and then was resurrected from the grave. And HE LIVES!! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!!! He desires an intimate relationship with you! He is not like your earthly mother or father, who sometimes fails us, neglect us, beat us, abuse us... HE IS NOT LIKE THAT!!! Our parents are sinners, just like the very first sinners ADAM AND EVE!! They, like you, inherited a corrupted nature that is naturally an enemy of GOD. That’s why you need to be BORN AGAIN! You came into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead!! Please, if you kill yourself and have not received Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Saviour. It doesn't matter what you FEEL, God judges based on His Word and His Truth, not our wrong ideas about Him!! YOU WILL GO TO HELL! BUT THANKS BE TO GOD THAT THROUGH HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, HE HAS PROVIDED HOPE AND ETERNAL LIVE TO ALL WHO PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM !! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 GOD LOVES YOU!! |
09 May 2010 | Bitter | Gun to the head, eyes closed pull the trigger.... Quick painless.... This is a reasonable question to some people, so all to christians, please stop posting crap about how it isn't worth it. The question isn't "Should I commit Suicide?" Give an answer or be disgusited, and trying to save someone isn't an answer. |
13 Apr 2010 | Chris | To all of you who have "attemted" suicide i say your a bunch of posers. It is unbelievably easy to end your own life. To have failed at doing so means you did not really want want to end it. You simply crave attention which is the reason you probably wanted to kill yourself anyway because you did not get enough attention. |
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