Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

Date Name/email

What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
12 May 2008 Al Dear "notspookypenguin,"

You said you missed her. It sounds like you had a great loss. If you ever want a friend to talk about it with. I'm here for you. Please email me anytime.


UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090

US Suicide Crisis Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
12 May 2008 Al Dear "tired of diapers,"

I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Many, many people wear adult diapers (but no one knows it because they their clothes hide them). You are not alone and you certainly are not any less of a person because you where them. You can live a great life. You can get through your past and forge ahead a great life. I am telling you from personal experience. Suicide is not the answer. It may lead to something far worse than you could ever experience in this life. Please speak with someone about what you're feeling. It can be so freeing when you have someone who can help you carry your burden. Please speak with a parent, pastor, counselor, someone. I would also love to chat with you. Please email me anytime.


UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090
US Suicide Crisis Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
11 May 2008 Al Dear "just because,"

I know there are times death can be tempting, but it's not the answer for so many reasons. Including the fact that things can change, outside situations can change and most importantly inside you things can change---you can become happy and have peace in this life. You have a purpose for being here and you have to live to fulfill it. There is an afterlife, there is a Heaven and a Hell. I am not saying that all suicides go to Hell, but I'd be very scared==suicide might lead to something far worse than we could ever experience in this life, and it would never end. Killing yourself is not the answer. I beg you, please, speak with someone about what you're feeling (a parent, pastor, counselor, someone you can trust). Take steps to walk out of your pain and go on to lead a great life. I'd love to talk more, please email me.

11 May 2008 Tristan Kemp-Smith Hi. My name is Tristan. I don't mind telling you all my name. I do not feel afraid of fraud and so on. I havent come here to share what i think. I havent come here to 'help' people. Ive come here to talk to people about it. Im a good helper and usually help strangers with emotional issues. I usually help with relationships but i thought i would try this. Im 16 and i have no qualifications in psychology. But if you want to talk to me about anything my msn is: , Add me and ill be sure to talk to you about anything.
08 May 2008 Al If you are considering suicide, please take a few moments to breathe, read this article, sort through your situation prayerfully, and get help. If you know someone who may be at risk, perhaps this article will help you help them.

Here are some facts to help you say NO to suicide and YES to life.

1. There Is Substantial Evidence for the Existence of God
No games here. The bottom line is that the evidence for the existence of God far outweighs the evidence for atheism. If you doubt that statement, just use some common sense.

The universe began to exist. Whatever begins to exist must have a cause that brought it into existence. Moreover, the universe shows indications of fine-tuning and intricate design. That speaks to the strong likelihood of a Designer at work. You have miracles that still happen today. And the supernatural prophecies within the Bible, that give amazing scientific knowledge before we knew anything about sceince, and amazing predictions that have come to pass. And, finally, the presence of human aspiration, conscience, and spiritual awareness all point to something greater than what we simply see, touch, taste, hear, and smell.

These observations (and others) all mean that God is real.

2. Your Value Comes from God
If God is real, then you are here because God created you. That fact determines your purpose for living as well as your worth as an individual.

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America made clear, in the opening paragaphs of the Declaration of Independence, that our "unalienable rights" (including our rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - the very rights that define our value as human beings) come from the Creator.

That means your value is NOT associated with what other people think of you - even those who may be close to you. Nor does your value come from society. This, of course, doesn't mean that others won't try to diminish you or manipulate your feelings of self-worth. You can, however, rest confident in the "self-evident truth" (to steal a phrase from America's Founders) that your value comes from God. As such, your value is real. No one can steal how important and priceless you are.

3. There Is No "Restart" Button!
Once you take your life, there is no coming back. This is not like a computer you can reboot or a game that you can start over. You have only one life. End it - and you're done. Do not make that choice.

4. Don't Decide Based on Feelings
NEVER let your life be governed by (or ended by) feelings. In fact, you should NEVER make decisions solely based on feelings. Your feelings should follow your decisions - and NOT the other way around.

So, stop, take a breath, count to 1,000 if you have to, but get a firm grip on your feelings. Do that so that you can think clearly about your life and situation. If you are unable to get a handle on your feelings or to get on top of your emotions, then you may be suffering from depression. In that case, see a doctor right away. Get help. And that leads to the final step...

5. Seek Help...NOW
You need to get If you are considering something as drastic as ending your life, you need to talk to your family, a health professional, a pastor or priest or rabbi, or a counselor. And you need to do these things right away. If you don't have health insurance or can't afford a counselor (and even if you can), consider contacting an area church. Obviously, if you are already in a church, get a hold of your pastor.

Bottom line...Your life is worth living. It's worth protecting. Don't be the one to end it. Get help right away.

UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090
US Suicide Crisis Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

08 May 2008 Al Dear "bye,"

Please, suicide is not the answer. My heart is with you. Please email me. I'd love to be a friend. You can make it through all this and live a great, happy life. Let's talk.


PS. I also highly recommend you talk with a professional about what you're feeling. You can call a free crisis hotline anytime @ UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090 (UK) or in the US 1-800-273-TALK (8255) / They have trained people who can help.
07 May 2008 im still here for you please not i will help anyone that needs help. i will not help with suicide suggestions, or anything of that sense. please only ask for help getting through things and not suicide help. thank you. i do care about ya'll but i dont care to help with your death.
06 May 2008 dead inside. Dear 'not spooky penguin.'

Please be okay. Connor Oberst tends to ignite depression in everyone. But please, if you want to talk about whats going on in your life, email me. I hope things get better for you.
05 May 2008 Al Dear Empty,

You sound really stressed and frustrated. Please, don't let suicide be an option. You can work through this all. I'd love to be there for you. Please email me anytime.

05 May 2008 Al Hi Johnny,

Killing yourself is not the answer. I don't know what's going on, but my heart is with you. You are obviously going through a lot. Let me tell you from my personal experience... THERE IS HOPE. Life can really be terrible sometimes, it can seem hopeless, but it's not. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can get better. You may not realize it right now, but you have a purpose for being on this earth. You're not here by accident. And you must keep on living to discover and live out that purpose. I would love to talk more. Please email me.

02 May 2008 im here for you you people need help!! if you don't want to talk to a counseler, or can;t talk to a parent please feel free to email me. I have been through so much and can offer some help to those in need. please don't even consider suicide... it's permanent. There are better ways to deal with things other than suicide. please email me if you want to talk.
29 Apr 2008 Al The 15-year-old who just got kicked out the house (you didn't say your name),

I'm really sorry to hear about the situation. It sounds like a lot has happened for you to get kicked out. I'd love to talk and hopefully offer some good advice. Please email me. And please don't let suicide be a thought. It sounds like the situation stinks, but death isn't the answer. You can work through this and go on to lead an amazing life. This isn't the beggining of the end, it's the end of the beggining. Things will work out. I hope to chat soon.

28 Apr 2008 Al spook peng,

Congradulations on your new girlfriend! I'd be careful though if you're both seriously depressed. You have to be careful you don't pull each other further down. Maybe you guys could help each other by spending time together with upbeat, encouraging people, or getting into some counseling together. I'd love to talk more, please send me an email.

28 Apr 2008 Al Silusm,

It sounds like you've been going through a lot for a long time. Please don't let your mind wander to hurting people. Their pain won't take away your pain. There is no justice in their suffering. Please, email me. I'd love to talk. It might help to talk about what you're going through and get it all off your chest with me rather than doing something you might regret later.

27 Apr 2008 Christine This is crazy to think that you could even think about doing that at such a young age!!!
Ok I have thought about it also but it is not the answer. I know all of the reasons to do it also. I have been there. I was the one that everyone bullied in school, the one who never had a friend or a b/f, and don't even mention the abusive father at home beating the crap out of my mom and us kids. I even got to the point that I had the gun barrel in my mouth and the finger on the trigger. I was only 15 at the time. There is an alternative, facing those problems with people that are willing to help and living to see another day. I am 25 years old now and I have my own house, husband, and a 2 year old to live for. I only imagine that I would have never saw this if I had pulled that trigger and gotten help that day. There is so much more that have been through in the last 10yrs. that it is ridiculos. People are suprised that I have not tried it again. Everything that I have been through would take more than a page to tell. I don't have either of my mom to turn to for help.
The thing is that there are people here to listen. I am one of them. If I could save a life I would do it now. I know the string is short, but if you want someone who has been there, please contact me. Please. You can contact me at or
24 Apr 2008 just trying to help To those in need,

dont kill yourself. people care and even if u dont think so we love you. need help please email me.
20 Apr 2008 Al Whoever wrote "I never had a choice,"

I know it may feel like that, but you truly do have a choice. No matter how traumatized or torn apart you are, the fact that you have breath in your lungs means you have an opportunity for a better life. You can work through the pain and sorrow and go on to lead a great life. I did. I'd love to talk more, please email me.


PS. You can also call a toll free crisis hotline anytime @ UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090 (UK) or in the US 1-800-273-TALK (8255) / They have trained people who can help.
18 Apr 2008 Al cant say,

PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF. I know you've went for help before and it didn't help, and I'm not a proffesional anything, but I have strugged with very bad depression and nearly killed myself, but didn't. Today I found freedom from that pain, something you may have never heard before. Please email me, and if you want I'll share with you my story and how I found peace. Life is too short as it is, please don't hurt yourself. You can work through all this and go on to live a great, happy life.

14 Apr 2008 If you need/want help... please read!! If you need help or want to talk please feel free to email me anytime. I am here for you and I do love you. You should never have to feel this way... I posted on here a lot last year (2007) and found that I didn’t want to die but that I did it for attention to get my emotions out on my miserable life... things are now looking better... I just moved out, im still in college and plan to graduate in a year and a half, then move on with my life and get my self a decent place to live with a decent job and whatever else I can get... I don’t need fancy things to get by... all I need is someone that I know is there for me and cares and luckily I have found those few people that I have who truly do care about me. Please think twice before you go and make a permanent mistake and if you need help, want to talk, or just have someone listen to you I am here for you. Even though I have no clue who you are and vice versa I do care and love you. Please do not hesitate to contact me...
11 Apr 2008 Al Archy, Sangvina, life is over rated, dep, and anyone else reading this,

It sounds like you're all going through a lot. Let me tell you from my personal experience... THERE IS HOPE. Life can really be terrible sometimes, it can seem hopeless, but it's not. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can get better. You may not realize it right now, but you have a purpose for being on this earth. You're not here by accident. And you must keep on living to discover and live out that purpose. I would love to talk more. Please email me.


PS. I highly recommend you talk with a professional about what you're feeling. You can call a free crisis hotline anytime @ UK Suicide Crisis Helpline: 08457 909090 (UK) or in the US 1-800-273-TALK (8255) / They have trained people who can help.

PPS. You might appreciate this website about God

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