Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
15 Feb 2003 joy hang yourself with a skipping rope
12 Feb 2003 Joker pour gasoline all over yourself and smoke a cigarette... while singing mary had a little lamb
11 Feb 2003 sythuzuma-ka to stand in the middle of a road and believe that the next coming car right in front of you is a nice cow willing to hug you
11 Feb 2003 Nick I'm 12 and am having a crappy life.. my girlfriend broke up with me cause she was cheating on me... .doesn't really matter since i'm only 12. But my life is crap.So i've been loking at sites on ways to kill yourself and the best that i've seen would be to make a small incision in your stomach and fastly pull out your intestines and hang yourself with them. Pre-write the note about Aliens and what they did to you.
This is the one that i made up: go to your school on sunday and break in then freeze yourself in the school freezer then when they get the meat they will see you... i'm still currently thinking of more
25 Jan 2003 Stephanie Eat one of those things that come in the box with your new shoes that say in big letter's on it "CAUTION DO NOT EAT!"
15 Jan 2003 a friend de carambar avaler un chat domestique vivant
13 Jan 2003 je préfère me fondre sous le voile protecteur de l'anonymat l'étouffement sucré au carambar. ingérer de manière rapide entre 7 à 10 carambars original (les autres ça marche moin bien) et mâcher nerveusement. les deux machoires se trouves soudées et la gorge obstruées. (avec des lego ça marche aussi)
10 Jan 2003 elise armentier je prends un crayon de couleur (c'est plus rigolo), et je l'enfonce un petit peu dans mon nez. A partir de là, je donne un grand coup de tete sur une table de manière à ce que le crayon transperce le cerveau. Et voilà!!!
21 Dec 2002 Elliot Get a nuclear bomb and eat it
21 Dec 2002 Zack Shove a cork up your arse and then drink tons of pepsi or coke and then because you can't fart you will explode
18 Dec 2002 --- avaler une noix de coco
14 Dec 2002 Heather The best way to kill yourself is to drink a bottle of bleach and then put yourself in the dryer.
09 Dec 2002 Felicia Well, I know a good way you can kill yourself. Get into some hobby like me.
1.) Take surfing lessons. You have a great chance of hitting a rock or getting eaten by a shark.
2.) Go bungie jumping. Have a nice fall over a bridge somewhere.
3.) Go skydiving and forget your parachute.
4.) Go to East Palo Alto and wear a shirt saying you hate black people.
5.) Listen to Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People" song and head bob till your neck falls off.

If all else fails begin a life as a writer. They are very dramatic people.
04 Dec 2002 reeta eat moth balls. pretend that it's just candies
29 Nov 2002 firehead mix your hairgel with gasoline... put some of that mix on your hair.. turn it on... be like me :)
15 Nov 2002 marie avaler une Barbie
06 Nov 2002 Olivier Oswald LE KIT proposé :
Crayons de couleur empoisonnés (qui tuent quand on les suce).
Pétards surdosés (auto-attentat kamikaze).
Alcool à 150 000 degré pour mourir d'une cirrhose en quelques jours seulement.
La casserole (pour faire les pâtes) qui fuit, à remplir d'eau et à mettre immédiatement sur le gaz (pour être sûr de l'éteindre). Asphyxie ou explosion, au choix. Générateur d'étincelle et minuteur aléatoire incorporé.
Puisqu'on est dans la cuisine : les pâtes ciments à prise rapide.
Un CD-ROM pour apprendre le cri qui tue. Avantageux pour un suicide collectif.
Une tenue de BARBAPAPA en caoutchouc hérmétique. Suffocation douce garantie.
Etc. On va arrêter là pour aujourd'hui
03 Nov 2002 Unda_dog Eat a Spice Girls CD
19 Oct 2002 stacy eat their toys and then jump around trying to scream "look mommy i'm a human toy" then they should end up dying or choking on them.....
18 Oct 2002 Johnny X-ray antifreeze-coated lollipops. you always hear about how sweet antifreeze is supposed to be, so why wouldn't a young child want to ingest such a sweet morsel to end their life?

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